Ah, so much for getting around to posting each day! Anyway, it's the end of June, the weather is great, and even though I have no plan whatsoever to get a tan, I might just go for a walk this afternoon.
I'm actually starting to get a hang of doing dailies on the hunter - it's fast, and - in spite of the fact that her gear is so much worse than the druid's - there's very little downtime. OK, there have been occasions where her kitty has gotten swarmed by four blood elves, and with all the mobs and people running around, all I could do was feign death and let kitty die. /cry But all in all - I don't think the epic flyer will take too long to get a hold of for this one. Guess I should be saving up to get the druid her's, but that'll come too, eventually.
Yesterday I decided to twink my alliance pally a tiny bit - got her a Gargoyle's Bite, and had the mage put +7 damage on it - and then I dragged her through Arathi up to Southshore, to get flightpaths, and do some bonfire quests. Almost died because of the presence of iron just a few steps off the road - the famous bubble saved her from evil spiders + raptors :)
Other than that - nothing much has happened, it's been a slow weekend, WoW-wise. Went shopping for shoes on Saturday - first time in ages - and found a pair:
These babies gave me chafes on both feet within five minutes after leaving the apartment. Went to the store for eggs and some stuff, and could barely walk on the way home :D They're pretty, though, and I think shoes and feet will adapt before too long.
I'll definitely go online tonight - there should be some quest rewards somewhere that could spice up my huntress - but for now I have to take a shower, make a phone call, and get some lunch.
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4 years ago
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