Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Crazy Parade.

Today started out really good: I woke up all fresh from a night's good sleep, and had a quiet morning in front of the online papers, since my flatmate watched some alpine skiing event on TV in the other room.

Last night I got my draenei huntress a couple of new pets, since I realised a gorilla might be a bit annoying for everyone else if I use him for questing in Northrend, and quite stupid for general BM-hunter 101 activity in an instance. Not that I will ever give him up, though - I love him like crazy - but for precision work I'll probably be using another pet.

So, what's new in the stable?

First, I went to Winterspring, and picked up a Frostsaber Pride Watcher:

I really wanted to name him Sam Spandex, but that was a no go, so Spandex it is.

After that, I flew all the way down to Un'goro Crater (one would think I'd had enough of that place after camping for my gorilla, but no way!), to see if I could find another ferocious companion:

Lo and behold, the tamed version of that endlessly scary and annoying thing that squished you super dead around level 50 (the vanilla-WoW version of the Fel Reaver, I suppose) - a Devilsaur! This one doesn't have a name yet, but I'll get around to that.

A couple of days ago my huntress and her gorilla friend was in Zangarmarsh, kickin' some butt, and they stumbled upon Marshlight Bleeders, who give you a glowing debuff. The result?

And yeah, he's got a name now - Fonzarelli. As in Fonzie, or The Fonz. If I ever find an even cooler pet gorilla, I guess I'm going to have to name him (or her) Arthur.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The dangers of working from home...

I just discovered it's Friday today. Whoops. Doesn't really make a difference in the long run, or the short run for that matter, but I was surprised, since I was convinced it was Thursday. I'm going to have to keep better track of things, so I won't miss the train on Tuesday :D

No, really, it would be dreadful to be stuck here - friggin' alone - during the holidays. Sure, I'd get my Winter Veil gifts, but that would be it...

Right now, I'm waiting for the oven to get warmed up, so I can make some dinner, and after eating, I plan to continue leveling my huntress. She's currently about half way into level 65, and I'm hoping to get her started in Northrend before the weekend is over. With the offline-time I have looming on the horizon (starting late Feb - early March, may go on for a while), it would be really nice to get her well on her way (maybe all the way) to 80 as soon as possible.

I'm still playing with the thought of trying out mobile broadband for a bit, once I've moved, to see if and how it works. If it does work, nothing much would change, WoW-wise. Time will tell.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Not enough mana!

Right now, I'm a tiny bit too hungry to not go shopping for food, but my hair is a bit too wet (from showering) for me to want to go to the store immediately. So, here I am, making a post.

When I'm hungry, a number of things can happen:
  1. Nothing. I calmly and patiently make sure I get something to eat soon-ish.
  2. Full-on bitch mode. Nothing good can happen if you try to communicate with me, or just pass me on the street. Unless, of course, you're getting me something to eat.
  3. Uncontrollable giggling. Everything is absolutely hilarious, no exceptions.
Right now, it's no. 3. WoWInsider has another "You know you play too much WoW if..."-article, and I just realised how I really want a "Ding!"-buddy IRL. You know, someone you run into every now and then, you go "Ding!", and they reply with a "Gratz!" - wouldn't that be just perfect? Too bad I don't have too many IRL-friends who would get it, and I guess even fewer would find it funny. I doubt I'll find it funny once I've had dinner, but still... It would be like an MMO equivalent of that Scrubs episode, where J.D. meets a patient with the same initials as his.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My baby!

Guess who finally decided to show up?

I'm in love. Seriously. Haven't decided on a name yet, but the important part is done - in my opinion one of the coolest skins/colours in the game! <3

(For anyone interested: I started camping at about 1 AM this morning, then there was a break for weekly maintenance, and I logged on again at about 10.20 AM. Uhk'loc spawned at approximately 1 PM, I abandoned my old pet, cleared the three mobs that were in the way, did the trap->wait for cooldown->aggro->2nd trap->tame-routine, and there you go!)

Off to level my new pet, I guess :)

Not very exciting, no.

Guess what? I'm still camping the gorilla. No, I haven't camped constantly since last night - Wednesday is maintenance day in Europe, so the server went offline at 3 AM, and was back up when I decided to try and log in at about 10.20 AM. At that time, I was alone in Un'goro Crater, so I'm assuming no one has been here and snatched him away.

A lot of people suggest that one levels up fishing while camping in there, to fight the boredom, and that would have been great, if it hadn't been for the fact that my darling huntress hasn't fished a whole lot before. I think she's got about 52 in fishing... But I'll get it up, some day. So, instead of fishing, I melee down the handful of gorillas that spawn around the spot where I'm standing, slowly getting up the skill in 2-handed axes (and the defense skill, of course). I do kind of wish I had brought several different melee weapons, though. Also, this is a pretty good way to get rugged leather for the Winter Boots people should be wanting this season!

What's really important.

OK, so... I have a recently dinged level 80 moonkin, a bunch of level 70s just waiting to get moving in Northrend, the Feast of Winter Veil goin on, and what am I doing? I'm camping the spawn point of a rare gorilla on my level 64 huntress. Looking good, aren't we?

Sadly, my faithful Fonzie will be abandoned the moment Uhk'loc spawns, and I'm obviously keeping him on passive - it would be so dreadful seeing the blue-white beauty die from thunderstomp.

I'm hoping that a lot of hunters are either doing Winter Veil stuff, or are grinding to 78-ish to try and get Loque'nahak, so that no one comes along to steal my baby.

(Yeah, yeah, not the best screenshot, but the boring ss kind of illustrates how boring it actually is to camp one of these rare spawns. And he's only on a 5-8 hour timer! Luckily, I have a blog to mess around with.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It wasn't just me, apparently.

Weird morning. I went to sleep quite late last night - showered, and read a few pages in some book - and was a bit worried I'd oversleep, just because I had arranged to see a friend early today. That, however, was not an issue. At about 6.20 AM I was shook awake by what I thought was the construction work in the railway tunnel they're building beneath our house, and since the activity in said tunnel has been quite loud at times, I went back to sleep for another hour. Later, when I met up with my friend, she asked me "Did the earthquake wake you up?", and I finally managed to add things up, realising that construction work probably doesn't make your bed sway for 10 seconds! The papers say it was a 4.7 - the highest in Sweden since 1904.

Christmas preparations are coming along rather nicely: 2 ½ gifts done, 2 ½ to go! Train tickets were booked a couple of months ago, and since I'll be away until January 2nd, I've even arranged for my mail to be sent to my parents (which obviously is where I'm going) for the duration of my stay.

OK, nonsense, OT, personal post today, but it's what I've got for now. I believe it's time for a quick nap now, and later the Feast of Winter Veil awaits. :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Am I tired? Don't know, better not check.

I only slept about four hours last night, due to some RL turbulence, but oddly enough, I'm not very tired. At least not as long as I keep myself busy. After spending some time on the phone, and reading stuff online, I think I'm going to make my self look a bit less like an unmade bed, and go out on the town to see if I can find some Christmas presents.

WoW-wise, I don't have a lot to say - I'm kind of excited about the Winter Veil event, and will check it out later tonight - mostly I'm just sick of my own voice, in general.

Ah, I just got a message from a friend - we'll be having coffee tomorrow morning, and I think I'll postpone the Christmas shopping until then. It'll be nice to actually meet someone in person, for a change - it's been a while, since everyone's so caught up in the pre-Christmas-craze.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Yes, I'm swedish, no, I'm not one of those people. And, most importantly, I don't feel obliged to talk to you just because you happen to live in the same country as me. When I hang with people online, wallowing in the swedishness we may or may not have in common is not my number one priority. The game, music, movies, food, general silliness - yes! SWE??? No. And no, I'm not going to help you simply because you're swedish.

/rant off

I believe this happens almost every time I decide to play my nelf huntress - Nysnö. I have brought her out of retirement for a bit, to level mining on her, instead of skinning (which is one of my new hunter's professions). Suppose I may as well get used to it, and keybind /dnd.

Other than this rather trivial issue, I'm kind of enjoying playing her again. My draenei huntress still kicks her ass, but the nelf has her charms too :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Weird Science.

Just found this, after seeing what I at first thought was a joke at Lady Jess' place.

So, how many male draenei will have a sex change? To me, most other races are quite equal when it comes to the look of the different sexes, but I've always had a rather hard time understanding why people choose the big, blue, self righteous look. It's like a smurf version of a not-so-incredible Hulk. Oh well, people are different, and so are their preferences when it comes to picking a WoW-character.

I doubt that I'll change the look of any of my girls (well, I do have one male character - I finally started that male dwarf hunter - but he's just level 6, and already perfect) - since I don't really feel that I've made any huge mistakes when it comes to skin colour or eye shape, and I have certainly not made any mistakes big enough to pay RL-cash to adjust them! But I can understand that there are people who want to make changes - I'm guessing that a person who've named one of his/her actual characters "Trklsie" just to show how little he/she cares, may also have chosen one of the ugly/angry faces, and is having regrets.

Still, though, I guess I can understand the sex change-thing. But it's bound to have interesting effects on RP-servers!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I really need to stop QQing online, this is getting silly.

I've spent most of the evening trying to organize my bank characters, and cleaning up the inventories and mailboxes of some low level alts, and I'm planning to open up another tab in the guildbank. I've also spent a little too much gold in the past few days, so I've done some dailies on the druid. I did the Oracle dailies, the cooking daily, the Kalu'ak ones, and the two I've found for Wyrmrest Accord, and unfortunately, my computer seems to enjoy the trips through Northrend less and less each time I move around a bit there. My fps in Dalaran rarely goes above 15 if I'm moving, and if I'm standing perfectly still it can get up to 35 - yay!

So, trying to make my future time away from WoW not seem so dreadful, I thought to myself how I'm not really seeing the new expansion from its best side anyway, because of my crappy computer. OK, fair enough. But then it hit me like a rotten egg on a bad clown (they all are, btw): If I'm ever going to be able to play the way I'd like to, not only will I have to get a real broadband connection, I'll have to buy a new computer too :´´´( Way to make myself depressed! Well, I guess that all this will make me even more determined to find a job (any job!) as quickly as possible after I graduate. Job -> apartment -> broadband -> computer -> ? -> profit!

I suppose most people don't consider playing WoW a human right, and that I should be happy about roof over my head and food on the table, especially now, with a financial crisis going on and all that, but they're wrong, oh so wrong. ;)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

/cry even more

Sigh. It seems I will be without a real broadband connection when I've moved. That was not something I had expected, but I guess I'll just have to roll with the punches, meaning I'll have to prepare for a few months of not playing. >.< Still, I have until late February, minus Christmas and new year's (and the days in between), and should be able to get quite a few fun things done. What I will miss the most, is the people. I do have a few friends on the server - not a gazillion since I haven't really made an effort lately, due to studies and other RL-stuff, but a few - and I'll miss them like crazy.

On a slightly different note, it really annoys me that I'll be offline during the months when people will just race through - and past - heroics, so that I'll be waaay behind if and when I get back. Maybe I'll give the mobile broadband-thing a shot, after all. Would be nice to be able to take part in the seasonal events, and log in to say hi to people every once in a while.

Stupid Swedish countryside, and its lack of cheap and easily accesible broadband! Also, curse the lack of unexpected piles of cash falling into my lap. That really would have solved my problem.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Oh, crappers. I'll be moving house some time in February next year, and I may not be able to get a broadband internet connection at the new place (which is hopefully quite temporary)... During the past 48 hours, I've been looking for a solution, and have come up with three possibilities:

  • Dial-up 56k modem - my WoW-time would be limited to AH and perhaps some low-level activity, apparently with serious lag. Sucky is just the beginning. Plus, I don't really enjoy playing the AH.
  • Mobile broadband - I've heard it's supposed to be a bit unstable, and considering the place I'm moving to is located in the backwaters of the most backwatery backwaters, I doubt I'll even get connected long enough to make it worth the money. WoW is supposed to work OK on it, though, if one manages to establish a connection.
  • Real, hard core broadband. It will cost a bit to get started, and it would require other people than me to give a green light, but it would be so sweet. Don't know if this one has any chance of happening, though.
Anyway, I'm going to try and savour every moment I have online, and not afk in AH while watching a movie. If I end up not having any WoW at all this spring, Buffy and the PS2 will be my best friends for a while...

Back to huntress - level 52 and counting :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What's with the creepiness?

Today my baby huntress dinged 47 (and 46 - gorilla pet rocks!), and I've been doing selected quests in Tanaris. Weird thing happened when I landed in Gadgetzan, by the way. I got on my mount, decided to head down to the "escort the turtle"-quest, and notice someone is following me. Another draenei hunter, a male, on an elekk. And yes, he seems to have put me on /follow, since he copies every twist and turn I make. Half way to my goal, I get a whisper: "were are u goin?". I'm a bit annoyed, so I answer: "very special places". A minute later, the guy is gone. What I'm wondering is this: What was the point of that? Mmo-stalking of a complete stranger? Jeez.

Anyway, I've had a cup of tea, and just about to finish a few quests in Hinterlands. No druid today, it seems - maybe I'll log on her just to do today's inscription research, but the dailies will have to wait until tomorrow.