Monday, September 29, 2008

In the Meantime.

I spent most of yesterday pvp-ing with my druid, in battlegrounds. Alterac Valley weekend - w00t! Managed to scrape together a little bit more than 9000 honour, partly by selling marks. All battlegrounds except one were AV, the "one" was Warsong Gulch, and I was convinced it was going to last forever. The hordelings started camping our graveyard, in an attempt to leave a clear path for their flagcarrier. Luckily, the clear path worked both ways, and we won. 3 marks, which, together with the 2 I had in the bank, led to 1570 extra honour.

My goal is this fancy staff, and yeah, yeah, it'll be old the second Northrend opens, but I still want it. If nothing else, it should be great for levelling. About 9000 honour to go, so I guess I should be able to buy it in a couple of days. I'm also planning to get the whole season 2 Wyrmhide set together, simply in order to not look like a total clown when I'm saving Northrend from undead, and bonding with walruses.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What's to come.

So, I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but: I got a beta-key a while back. I haven't used it much though, thinking it might be a bit like having a sneak-peek at the gifts before Christmas - basically just logged on to my copied druid, took the ship to one of the starting zones in Northrend (having trouble remembering what the place was called :S), and then the server collapsed, and I haven't bothered with the druid again. I also started a Death Knight, a gnome with pink power puffs, and I loved her. But I'm probably going to wait until the actual expansion is here before I try a DK again - the first few quests, the story, and the environment were all so... Magic? I basically want it to feel as fresh and exciting as possible when I start my "real" baby DK.

Anyway. I just started patching my beta again, and I've copied the druid once more - I've gotten a couple of things done that I hadn't the last time I copied her, and I think I'm going to try and do some basic exploring this time around. No quests, that is. I've levelled enough alts to know that most quests don't get better the second time around. I should be able to survive long enough to see stuff, and maybe I'll check out inscription. The druid is probably going to stick with alchemy in WotlK, but my up and coming priest has "Scribe" written all over her.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Earlier today I was able to log in, and did the Brewfest quests (not the boss, though), and got my druid a Wolpertinger, since I didn't get around to getting her one last year, but then the monster lag hit again, I got kicked out, and now we're back to not being able to access any servers or anything connected to wow-europe. It seems our ISP is having some major router issues somewhere, and it's not just us not being able to play. We're seriously thinking about switching to another provider.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Unwanted break.

Friday night, i.e. last night, our internet connection went haywire, and since then it refuses to let us play WoW, or access Everything else on the internet seems fully accessible - newspapers, Youtube, blogs and whatnot - but some server seems to time out every time we try to log on to WoW. I spent a couple of hours after breakfast unplugging the router, running different scans and something called tracert, and got nowhere. If it still doesn't work in the morning, I'll have to call our ISP, and hope they can do something about it.

In a way, it's rather nice to not be able to play for a bit - yesterday I was logged on for quite a while, but started watching a movie, and was afk in the Aldor bank for two hours. Even though I'd very much like to log on to do some dailies, using my recently acquired purple bird form, it might be a good idea to regroup a bit, and make some plans for what I'd like to get done before the expansion gets here, which alts to level up and so on.

RL-plans for today: Making dinner, some kind of fish stew, served with bulgur, and watching CarnivĂ le at 8pm. And yeah, keeping my fingers crossed that the internet issue will solve itself sometime during the evening...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Finally, flying like a grown-up druid!

Yesterday I finally got to finish my druid's Swift Flight Form quest, by killing Anzu in Sethekk Halls! My husband helped me get a group together, and I got to meet up with two of my favourite people from my old guild, which was great. I haven't talked to them since they switched to a raiding guild, and I went ultra-casual, and I've felt really bad about it, so it was good to talk to them a bit, apologizing and such. Don't know if there are hard feelings, so there's still a chance we wont have much contact in the future, but I really hope I'll see them again soon - I miss hanging out...

Anyway, heroic Sethekk also happened to be the daily, so we all got 5 badges each, and some cash out of it. There were a few hiccups, and I died during Ikiss, but Anzu went really well, and I spent quite a bit of time last night just soaring the skies of Outland - no more flap-flap-flap! Also, I of course got the idol, but I don't know if it's better than the one I have, for a moonkin. In groups, I guess it is, but for solo play? Hmm. It's fun to have, anyway - would be awesome to have a complete collection of idols (never going to happen in my case, of course).

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I've pointed out earlier how the summer seemed to be over, and sadly it's gotten more and more obvious as the days have passed. I'm wearing a sweater made of the wool from what might be several goats, and finally I'm not shivering. It's not extremely cold in the apartment, but the drop in temperature is noticeable. Also, I'm getting older :( I really should do something about that "start working out again"-plan. Once I get some nice looking pants for it, I may very well start running. Or I'll start doing triathlon, or start a religion dedicated to clogwearing chinchillas.

Anyway, still stoked about the upcoming WoW-changes, even though I can understand raiders becoming frustrated that the last month pre-expansion will be screwed up due to every class being different enough to mess with all the available strategies, and arena junkies wont be too thrilled either, I guess, for the same reasons. I, however, can't hardly wait.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Politics(!) + Pre-expansion Angst

Am I the only one hoping that Sarah Palin is crazy enough to make the U.S. population vote for Obama, just to see if Palin's head explodes? I think not. I'm still kind of hoping they'll vote Obama, just cause they want Obama, though.

Today I realised that I can actually order 2 boxes of the WotLK Collector's Edition from the same online store - I thought my credit limit was lower than it is - and so I ordered another one, to make sure both my druid and my shaman can sport the super cute Frosty! Yes, I'm a true member of a consuming generation.

Ordering the expansion has given me the "waiting-for-the-expansion"-blues, and part of me is torn between going further with long-term projects, such as my level 33(34?) pally, and finishing other projects, like getting the mage and the shammy to 70 (both are stuck at 65...). However, I've read that the amount of xp required to level from 60 to 70 is going to get a lot smaller once the pre-expansion patch hits, so I might as well wait until then. Mid-October seems to be the time when it goes live (but I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will be sooner). Tonight I'm planning to watch Heroes, and try to get my warrior up to 20 (17 atm), so she can finally be the fierce, dual-wielding bitch she is. I've wanted a MS-warrior for a while, though, so one day she might be wielding a big club/sword again. Probably not til level cap, but maybe I'll try slam for a bit.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Semi-back? Perhaps.

Monday was an exciting one, wasn't it? We finally got a release date to go with Wrath of the Lich King - 13th of November, this year! Also, there's going to be a collector's edition, and yes, I've booked one of those online, just to get the mini pet. (I always envied my old guild mistress, who had the Netherwhelp - endlessly adorable.) I'm hoping to get another one, though, since I have two accounts... May seem silly, but since I'm more of a "cute accessories"-fan than a hard core raider, it's really not a big mystery that I want the mini pet on all of my favorite characters. Honestly it bugs me a bit how my hunter is the only one with a Spirit of Summer - maybe I'll get one on another char next year.

Earlier I went out to get some lunch - it's been a while since I had the noodles from the local thai-fast food place, so I went there. Noodles with deep fried chicken and shrimps - really good. Unfortunately there seems to have been peanut sauce all over the chicken - bad, bad, bad. I'm quite allergic to peanuts, and yeah, I should know better than to have thai fast food, but the noodles and the shrimp were sooooo good... And now, the swelling of my throat seems to finally be going away. I'm not extremely allergic, but in the past eating pieces of peanuts has led to projectile vomiting on several occasions, and a night in the ICU - charming, eh?

I'm hoping to spend the evening getting a few levels on my priest, and perhaps logging on to my level 17 warrior. I doubt I'll be able to get her to 70 before the expansion hits, but getting her a few more levels wouldn't exactly hurt.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Most blogs start off with high ambitions - post every day, write insightful stuff about interesting subjects, yada-yada-yada - and I think most blogs fail, eventually.

For some time I've had "real life issues", and they will be here for some time, right now it feels like they'll be here indefinitely. No, I'm not pregnant, no, I don't have cancer. They are, however, life-altering issues, and unfortunately I'm not yet prepared to make their existance public in any other way than through the anonymous channel that is my World of Warcraft-blog.

So, I broke the code - personal stuff has been posted, kind of, and I don't know when - or if - I'll feel like posting anything, game-related or not, again. Might be later today, might be never. There are too many blogs in the world as it is, though - I don't think this one makes or breaks anything.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Slow Sunday.

So, yeah, I'm one of those "bloggers who only post when they've got nothing else to do". Right now, I'm for some reason unable to log on to my WoW-account(s) - I keep getting the annoying "Unable to connect"-message. Apparently I'm not the only one - my husband plays too, and he got in on his fifth or sixth attempt, and lots of other people on the server are having the same problem. Still, I was just going to do some dailies before dinner, so it's no disaster, really.

Earlier I ordered something I've been ogling for a while: The cute, pink iPod nano! I have another mp3-player, but it's a bit buggy, the battery is getting old, and 2GB isn't a lot if you're me. And, my old one isn't pink. Pink is an important factor.