Wednesday, June 25, 2008

1 more hour...

Wednesday equals patch day in Europe, or, well, maintenance day. Anyway, today they're presenting us with the fancy schmancy patch 2.4.3, and I'm quite excited! In spite of the fact that I haven't been grinding honor at all! My druid has somewhere around 6000, and the rogue a tiny bit more than 2000, so far from enough to buy anything, but there's a whole bunch of other things happening:

  • Level 30 mounts - yay!
  • New non-combat pet - Nether Ray Fry
  • New, roomier herb bags! Time to get Sporeggar rep with the mage, I guess...
  • And probably a whole lot of other changes I'll appreciate in time.
While I'm waiting for the extended maintenance to end (usually it ends at 11AM, now it's been pushed forward to 1PM...), I'm typing this, and listening to the neighbour arguing with someone over the phone. She does this quite frequently, and she is impressively loud. Needless to say, I'm very pleased with the fact that I don't know her.

Last night my sweet hunter finally reached level 70! First thing I did was go to the trainer, and get that sorted, then a quick trip to the bank, to get the Valano's Longbow I got for almost nothing around level 45, and the Flying Machine Control I bought off the auction house the other day (I couldn't be bothered trying to find someone to make me elemental seaforium charges, and the hunter's rep with Consortium is way too low for me to bother speed grinding it). Then I went back to Shattrath, onward to Shadowmoon Valley, and then I finally got her the new riding skill. Hopefully it wont take too long to grind the 5 K gold for swift flying, 'cause her little aeroplane is slooooooow... At least compared to my rogue's speedy Nether Ray. Luckily, most dailies since some patch aren't built around flying mounts. I love the Shattered Sun Offensive.

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