Monday, December 15, 2008

Am I tired? Don't know, better not check.

I only slept about four hours last night, due to some RL turbulence, but oddly enough, I'm not very tired. At least not as long as I keep myself busy. After spending some time on the phone, and reading stuff online, I think I'm going to make my self look a bit less like an unmade bed, and go out on the town to see if I can find some Christmas presents.

WoW-wise, I don't have a lot to say - I'm kind of excited about the Winter Veil event, and will check it out later tonight - mostly I'm just sick of my own voice, in general.

Ah, I just got a message from a friend - we'll be having coffee tomorrow morning, and I think I'll postpone the Christmas shopping until then. It'll be nice to actually meet someone in person, for a change - it's been a while, since everyone's so caught up in the pre-Christmas-craze.

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