Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Big, blue, and kickin' ass!

The patch is downloading, and even though it's fairly small - 56 MB - it sure is taking its time!

Yesterday was another draenei huntress day, and I got around to unlocking the Sons of Hodir, as a faction, and as a flightpath. During the questline leading up to this, one gets disguised as a frost vrykul female - it works basically the same way as the fel orc disguise one gets while grinding rep for Netherwing - and while in disguise, one can use mounts.

When my druid did this, she looked a bit silly while flying, since you don't switch to flightform visually - your frost vrykul just starts swimming through the air! My huntress, on the other hand, has a mount. A majestic Snowy Gryphon. Behold:

Not feeling so majestic anymore, are we?

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