Monday, February 23, 2009

WTB 50 slot bags, and a portable guild bank.

Finally the day has come. Well, almost. I'm moving tomorrow, and am in the middle of the giant project of packing all of my worldly possessions into cardboard boxes. And I have a lot of stuff. Not only have I studied law for several years, but I've also taken a few literature classes, and to top it off I simply love books in general - paperbacks, hardbacks, heavy books, light books - and while it is (of course) possible to pack all these books into boxes, I'm starting to wonder whether the trailer will be enough!

Well, jokes aside, I won't be filling a trailer with books, but nevertheless, I've lived in this area for about 9 years, and that's plenty of time to get your hands on a lot of things you're not willing to part with. Luckily, I don't have a whole lot of furniture.

Oh, crap. I can't sit here any longer. I need to take a shower and get my ass downtown - there's still a couple of things I need to get in order before the move. Also, I'm a bit behind on my packing schedule. >.< Sadly, this means no WoW for me for a couple of days, but on the bright side: The broadband problem solved itself - my new (albeit temporary) quarters now have a regular broadband connection - yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I moved, more than 60% of my boxes were book filled hehe

Good luck on the move - hope it all goes smoothly! :)